Next Version Information 1.1

Now that 1.0 is out to my YouTube subscribers, work is already underway on version 1.1  This version will include quality of life changes and at least 25 new messages.  One thing I wanted in the first version, but didn't want to drag out the launch, was a robust log search system.  The potential message list has been removed and a new window created.  In the new window any log file can be loaded from your PC and searched instantly against the current audio lists.  It will find new messages from any chosen log.

Another quality of life addition is now the "save" buttons open a windows save dialog where you can save the file anywhere you choose. An auto-start feature has also been added.  Enabled, this setting will automatically start monitoring log files as soon as you launch the program.  No more having to hit "Start", unless you want to.

Next I plan to add a filter that won't allow a voice to be chosen twice in a row, when two different NPC voices get sequentially selected at random.  This should add variety when only a few NPC's are in the area.

That's it for now,

Stay safe Commanders...